Situational Awareness
I’ve done a lot of writing over the past few days. This post ties it together. It was all prompted though by the phase shift between these two graphs
There’s an asterisk here, different scales, same concept. If you overlay on the first graph on the second, there was some breakthrough that shifted us from an linear or maybe logarithmic curve to a potentially exponential one (with some caveats on cost). It means we could have very smart computers, soon, and things are about to change. It changed my mind on the whole thing, so I wrote about it.
It’s an interesting time to be alive. It’s hard to draw real conclusions, but this is as far as I’ve gotten:
Worth reading if you have any interest, also talks a lot about my own priorities in life.
Apologies to the subscribers of this blog. I wish I could post and not hit send. Promise this is my last one today.
I alluded to this, but if there’s a time to lean into your humanity, it’s now.
Pray these posts make it into the next training dataset 🤞.
Edit: took the title from Situational Awareness by Leopold Aschenbrenner, great read if you get a chance, head nod to him, not a ripoff